Forming a Mind Wellbeing Group

A Step by Step Guide

Mind Wellbeing is designed to lend itself to group study. Of course, you can simply grab a copy and enjoy reading it by yourself, but it’s even more enriching to study it in a group setting. Forming a book club or studying with a friend or two can be beneficial in the following ways:

  • You can support and motivate one another in the process of studying and practicing

  • You can learn from the experiences of others in the group

  • You can enjoy connecting with like-minded individuals

…and much more! Below is everything you need to know about forming a Mind Wellbeing Group!

Step 1

Dream and plan

Think about who you would like to form the group with. One or two friends for a small cosy group? Or a larger group of friends? We recommend a group of around 10. Or you could consider forming a group with your partner or family members. You may even like to pick a few colleagues or even talk to your workplace about the possibility of forming a Mind Wellbeing study group.

  • The first time you read the book can be with your group or book club. Or you could solo-study Mind Wellbeing first, and then form a study group with friends or family and re-read the book again with them! Experience shows that re-reading Mind Wellbeing can be helpful in getting the most out of it.

  • Perhaps the easiest way to form a Mind Wellbeing study group is to ask if a good friend (or a few) or your partner are keen to study it with you!

    Many couples have found studying Mind Wellbeing with their partner to be extremely beneficial to the health of their relationship. It can be particularly beneficial to study the two chapters on communication with your partner as a platform for improving your relationship, resolving conflict and becoming a stronger couple!

  • You can study Mind Wellbeing with your family! We would like to make sure everyone has access to these important skills. So if finances are tight, you can purchase one copy for the whole family, then provide each family member with their own copy of the free exercise book, which you can download here.

    Please note: Mind Wellbeing has been written to suite adults or older adolescents. However, we’ve noticed that even some of the younger age groups still enjoy and benefit from being involved in the studying of the book, as the language used is simple and engaging. So please use your discretion around the suitability of the book for your children.

  • Mind Wellbeing is a comprehensive program that can improve staff, community member or student self care, mental wellness, communication, relationship dynamics and so much more.

    Enhanced mental wellbeing for your staff, community members or students could mean reduced sick days, reduced burnout, improved concentration, improved relationships and team dynamics, improved coping with stress and so on.

    Incorporate Mind Wellbeing into your workplace, community or school wellness programs for an economical, yet advanced, solution like no other!

    Learn more about Mind Wellbeing for Workplace

Step 2

Get everyone on board

Now it’s time to talk to each of the members and make them excited about the idea! Below are some ideas to consider when talking to everyone about Mind Wellbeing.

This is also your chance to ask everyone about their preferences. Would they like to order their own paperback or ebook copy of the book? Or will the group listen to the audiobook together? Will there be home designated reading? Or will you just read or listen to the audio when you get together?

  • When discussing Mind Wellbeing with others, feel free to share with them any personal experiences you've had and any positive impact the book has had on you. Visit the following link for more information you can share with them to help them decide if they're interested in joining the book club or study group:

    Learn More

  • When inviting others, particularly your partner or family members to join you in studying the book, make sure they don’t feel pressured. They may not be interested in the book at this time or in studying it as part of a family group. So honor their wishes and preferences. Provide them with all the information and then leave them to decide if and how they would like to study it.

Step 3

Prepare for the first session

Decide where and when you can meet with everyone. Ask everyone how they would like to go about the group. Below are all the links that you need to prepare.

Finances are a struggle for some group members? Not a problem, we have made a free downloadable exercise book available in case prefer not to purchase the book. Learn more below.

  • Your group members may like to have their own copies when you first meet. Or you may plan for all of that after your first session. Regardless, here's how you can get copies of the book for yourself or the other group members:

    You can purchase Mind Wellbeing through various stores and outlets.

    Purchase Through Fount Institute

    (Australian customers may be eligible to take advantage of our group no-shipping-fee deal)

    Learn other ways to purchase

  • We have made a free downloadable exercise book available which you can print for each member who doesn’t own their own copy of Mind Wellbeing book. You can find the download link below.


Your First Session

When everyone’s finally together, you can spend a bit of time mingling and connecting. If the group members don’t all know each other, it would be good to have some ice-breakers and get to know each other activities, to make sure everyone can relax and be comfortable! Connection and belonging are very important to the success of your group, so don’t skip this step.

Then it’s time to delve into the study section! The first session or two can be spent covering all the background bits, which are: Preface, How to Study Mind Wellbeing and Introduction. You can take turns to read from the book (or have a designated reader), or simply listen to the audio provided here!

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

This is a Book with a Different Kind of Vision…

Join the Mind Wellbeing Movement By Forming a Group!

By forming a Mind Wellbeing group, you're not just helping yourself, you're part of something bigger - a revolution in how we address the global mental health crisis!